Saturday, August 11, 2007

LIONS (and tigers and bears) OH MY!

New Communtiy with Mark Batterson

let me just say this, if i could attend meetings such as (brad voice) Uh oh i don't know, the LEADERSHIP SUMMIT (regular voice) prior to EVERY service at GCC...wheeeeew Lordy...

- sometimes the hindsight bias blinds our vision with Bible stories.

2 Samuel 23:20-23
- so this guy, Benaiah, killed two lions(cubs) and then placed himself into a pit to again kill a lion.

- WILLINGLY put his body sober into a pit to fight and slaughter a MUFASA! THEN OH THEN HE CAME OUT ALIVE WITH THE LION DEAD. WHAT DOES THAT LOOK LIKE? no guns, bombs to throw in the pit...what would that look like?

-more thoughts:
- ever think you're okay as long as you don't do what's wrong...while neglecting the whole DOING WHAT'S RIGHT?

-Rather than playing defense, we are called to play offense.
(this game plan brings me back to when Corey Mann --LUUUUUURVE HIM-- spoke one @ GCC about being in the garage sale where Jesus purchased us ALL in exchange for His life...then we become His action figures)

-The enemy wants me on defense and will use two emotions, strong emotions at that, to derail me:
1. GUILT = focusing on past drains me, resulting in focus pointed toward the unchangeable rather than the FUTURE HE HAS HAD PLANNED FOR ME ALL THE ALONG...i'll use all my energy by investing my time and thoughts in the old me and i wont have any left to invest in my preparation to examplify His GLORY, GRACE, and LOVE.
2. FEAR = failing again. hesitating to do what God stirs up inside, in your spirit, because you fear...fear your past and how much you SUCK.

-Good Kind = our spirit when sinning
-Bad Kind - fear of constant failure...calls for reconditioning

LUKE 22:54-62
-Peter denied Jesus 3 times when the rooster crowed
-the bad condition reflex (brc) = do you think Peter experienced bcr whenever he heard a rooster crow?

-Jesus recondtioned Peter's G u i l t with and his F e a r with
r a
a i
c t
e h

Reconditioned:Guilt = Grace
Fear = Faith

-It is the fear we overcome that becomes outr greatest experience
-thought: can you imagine the bed time stories in Bible times?
-question: are you living a life that is worth telling stories about?

*Challenge: find lion. kill lion.

-when we lack guts, we rob God, the author of our faith, His Glory

1 comment:

Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

I loved that message. I loved hanging out with you and the gang last night...even if you did fall asleep with my mac on your lap.

SB: Where ARE we?
BH: Jonathon's
SK: Why is her face like that?