Sunday, July 1, 2007

batman's robin...the ego we don't acknowledge as "ego"

i did watch the cartoon batman when i was younger often...this is true, but that's it. i don't even know the whole story i do know man with butler develops a large obsession with bats, so larrge that he dresses as one and goes about Gotham City saving it from its nasty and evil peguins, clowns, and mayors.

it goes without saying he was a hunk, but i also had a little thing for robin. i think it was because he wasn't heard of much ...and he was younger, closer to my age ;-). i kinda looked at him as batman's annoying little brother that also had an obsession with a winged creature (hence the name robin), so batty decided to take lil rob in for personal benefit.

i wonder now how much crap robin dealt with...or more so didnt deal with. i mean he was kinda like batman's slave. it seems its like that with most sidekicks....

sidekick...the title/position just does not sound like fun, let alone the actual motion (get it, a kick to the side...yeah i kinda regret typing it now, but not enough to hit backspace 294790374 times)

anywho, i bet robin or any other character in the shadow of guys like batman regularly experienced some bitterness and anger which could have developed into quite the ego, but they probably didnt recognize it as an ego. think about it, batman takes on joker while robins at him delivering papers or whatnot because he has his own responsibilities or just watches batty simply because it's too dangerous. OR there was one episode i remember where, i kid you not robin just stood there while batman was fighting some mugger in an alley. even if the poor kid wanted more than anything to jump in and save a life, batty was too busy usin' his muscles.

lets say a reporter got an interview with both rob and bat...all that being talked about is batman and his courageous heart with his witty moves and sexy backhand springs which requires his 8 pack...anyway and robin sits there thinking "what about the time i went back to the cove and GOT the weapons BATMAN NEEDED because he forgot them...or the time he had to fight lex's gang of 10 and then i showed up- HE NEEDED ME"....and then the reporter says "hey rob! if i didnt know any better i'd say you have an ego!" robin would probably give batman the look/signal to kick his arse simply because 1. he takes pride in knowing and serving along side batman; 2. who wants to admit they have an ego!!!; and 3. he just wants people to know he can do things on his own and that he isnt some young irresponsible kid.

hah oh my mind and thoughts are ridiculous i KNOW but think about it: how many times have we been like HEY GOD, I CAN HANDLE IT...dont worry about me go save other people more threatening and worse off than me...i'm oka,y really. WATCH!IN FACT HERE I GO WITHOUT YOUR BLESSING OR WITHOUT SEARCHING FOR AN OK...and then BAM we got ourselves an ego and didnt even know it.

i want to be robin to God. i want to serve next to Him and feel like i am and trust i take pride in our GOD, but sometimes i forget that i cant handle ANYTHING ON MY OWN.'s all God. He gets me through it all. i am young and i am irresponsible, but i can DO things and do them well, BUT BUT BUT ONLY BECAUSE I SEEK, LOVE, AND TRUST IN GOD.

sidenote: camp adventure week 2 is exactly a week from today! and i have MUCH to blog about concerning the last 2 weeks of my life (CAMP ADVENTURE WEEK ONE and MOVE 07)

1 comment:

Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

Great post! Now this is what I'm talking about.