Monday, May 19, 2008


i finally got a thursday off! i started vanity the last week of march and have had to close EVERY thursday night!! so of course i went to NEW COMMUNITY! duurh. anyway...during the service - i sat with skoutz and the keims:)- i went to open my journal (a birthday gift from a very VERY dear friend) and noted my last entry was from april 3rd!- coincidentily a thursday night service, a little over a month ago...sad song. Papa Beeson himself was the speaker (quite the bonus to a month of no NC). he basically spoke about our expanding GCC to other cities around Granger, such as Elkhart and Niles..there are more cant remember them tho...anywho he said something that caught my heart :

"Put your eyes on Christ, FLING yourself onto Him and into the purpose of heaven."

that mark beeson- he sure is something amazing!

then he went on to read some scripture:
Psalm 130:1-8
1Help GOD- the bottom has fallen out of my life! Master hear my cry for help!2Listen hard! Open your eyes! Listen to my cries for mercy...6My life's on the line before GOD, my Lord...7Oh wait and watch for GOD- with GOD's arrival comes love, with GOD's arrical comes generous redemption.

pretty flippin sweet if you ask me.

after service i went out to eat with some friends that use to be a big part of my life..just six months ago. we went to hacienda. so much fun. we all had some catching up to do. im very blessed to still have them in my life. they definitely showcase GOD's unconditional love and acceptance in their friendships they share with me and it's fantastic!

i'm considering tonight as a catch up night. i got some NC back in my life along with some great times with terrific and beautiful people. that's all i have for this entry! i have more to write but different topics!


Terry Ingle said...

Sherry and I are so proud of you. You are in our hearts and our prayers. Trust me when I tell you that there few people that I know that have messed up worse than me. My life is so full of regrets that I can hardly look myself in the mirror sometimes. I also know that I serve a God who is WAY bigger than me, and I thank him daily for the gracious and loving wife he has blessed me with, and a host of dear GCC friends that mirror Chris't forgiveness and grace. I'm really proud of the way you desire to keep your feet pointed in the right direction. Just remember that when you stumble, there are those that love you that are right there to pick you up, hug you and get you back on your feet. Terry

Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

I am so glad we got to worship together. I love you!