Saturday, June 7, 2008

are you a loving person?

i must start out by saying this...i had the honor of hearing Dr Bob TWICE in one week. once on monday at 201, which by the way INCREDIBLY cool. just when i didnt think it was possible to fall more in love with GCC and God, i did! the second blessing was thursday at New Community! i wish i could have a little DB on my shoulder just pop up every time i think...or dont think...and just start to do something stupid. how cool would that be?

anyway, about this loving person thing. as my latest bloggings have been posted, one could easily note i have been dealing/struggling with some SERIOUS bitterness, confusion, heart-breaking pain, disappointment, you name it i feel it. then of course, God comes through when I least expect it (im starting to love it by the way) through DB's message. as always i like to share the notes i jotted down from him and then some thoughts i had in between.

-Jesus never stops testing us, so we can see our hearts.
-Matthew 15:21
- mother desperate for daughter to be healed/ delivered from suffering of demons. when she comes to Jesus and his dicsiples begging for help, Jesus says NOTHING. Rather his disciples run to Him saying "Send her away, she is bothering us!"
**random thought: too many times i just assume the disciples were PERFECT, absolutely flawless. and yet, they run the their Master, OUR SAVIOR and tell him they don't want to deal with someone in need of help. I say, Lord use me! then someone is crying out for help, love, a FRIEND, and i say umm hmm yeah really DONT wanna deal with you right now. HOW DARE I!!!!
- so DB goes onto share with us he thinks the reason why Jesus says nothing is because He is just staring at His followers, watching their actions, waiting to hear their if TESTING THEM! the woman, the mother is a Gentile, apparently that "bred" wasnt cool back then which made the disciples hesitant; HOWEVER, because she comes to the LORD!! still completely with faith, He hears her cry and goes to help her. he was just wanting to see what His disciples would do.

HERE IS WHAT HAS BEEN HEAVY ON MY HEART and has been very difficult for me to take. I havent been able to stop thinking about it, which was the following (word for word, Dr Bob):
"If we as a church, hear someone crying out to us and do not answer, WE ARE NOT A CHURCH. BELOVED KEEP CRYING OUT TO US!"

WOW...i'm tearing up right now. i feel so much tension within myself when i read that and replay how he delivered it. i felt like the guy was looking right at me knew my situation and was speaking what GOD has been trying to tell me. the problem is, i dont know how to take it yet.
MY NATURAL response was wanting to go back to the bitterness and i have. not as drastic, but i am so there. i had lunch THAT very thursday with someone who has within this year shown me such a great love and friendship. we were both talking about my situation, she said something that had never dawned on me and i'm afraid i took it in a way that allowed me to feed fuel to my fire. certain people- important leaders- at GCC i know have seen pictures on facebook, and im sure have heard i had fallen back into the drinking scene for a little, AND knew why i was struggling and WHY i had started doing why didn't they check up on me LIKE THEY SAID THEY WOULD and be there for me...LIKE THEY TOLD ME THEMSELVES AND WILLINGLY SAID THEY CARED AND WANTED TO BE THERE???? WHY DIDNT THEY HEAR MY CRY??!?!?!

THEN God stepped in through DB and pointed out the greatest hurt you will ever experience is INNER!!!

okay so i took that as well im only hurting myself, with this anger and bitterness. while at the same time im juggling the fact THEY FAILED TOO! and it HURTS ME. so all that to say im unfortunately currently stuck at HURT by them and MAD at me.

back to the message.

DB went on to say that this is all about self-sacrifice...ITS A DAILY BATTLE!
and each personality we have that wins more will determine who you become. recognize the battle and who is winning.

another, amongst many, of the reasons why i adore DB is because he always incorporates music well as much as possible in his sermons. he played Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde's confrontation. (such an amazing song with a lot of spiritual depth behind it)

then he said my favorite verse Romans 7:15,21,23
"15I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do...21So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me...23I truly delight in God's commands, but it's pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge."

SO ME!!!

i'll end with this:
sometimes we are afraid to be a loving person because we dont want to get hurt...
God throws HIMSELF
at you, knowing you will hurt HIM, and HE NEVER WALKS AWAY.

NO. i'm not a loving person, not as loving as i should be and i'm too select with who i give/ show my love to. i think my prayer for awhile will be that God opens my eyes to the unseen, that i may act on it only for His good.

1 comment:

Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

I'm so sorry you were hurt by these people. In the midst of dealing with the pain don't look past those who have heard your cries and tried to be there for you. Fight the urge to push them aside because someone else didn't respond to your cried the way you thought they would. Perhaps God wants other people to be the ones who cry with you. Maybe there are others who can carry the load with you in a way that is more helpful than the ones you originally thought would.

Thanks for coming over last night. It was a BLAST!!!!